INICIO / Los más vendidos / Devil's Rock Riesling 2020 750ml

Devil's Rock Riesling 2020 750ml

  • Detalle

    Taste: Crisp and fruity whites are dry, medium-dry or medium-sweet. They are typically crisply acidic, which balances their rich fruitiness.

    You can discern yellow plum, apple and peach notes in these wines. Crisp acids create a fresh finish, making these wines ideal for a variety of foods.

    Tips for use: These wines are an excellent match for savoury starters, pasta and fish and seafood dishes.

    Try with different kinds of tapas or antipasti, shrimp salad or sushi.

    How to serve: White wines are best served chilled, at 10–12°C. Chilling a bottle from room temperature to the perfect serving temperature takes about two hours in a fridge. The sweeter the wine, the cooler it can be served.

    Alcohol: 12.0%

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